Monday, December 3, 2007

Living in the Northwest

I knew that moving to the Northwest again would bring days of rain. People would joke that there are 2 seasons here, rainy and not rainy. The first year I lived here it rained for 62 consecutive days, who would have thought that was possible. I had thought we were doing well this year, a bit of rain here and there but not much. That all changed in the last 3 days, we have had over 3 inches of rain. That is a lot of rain. Some days I think my fingers and toes are starting to web and for a minute today I thought Brady made some duck sounds. I wonder if you can buy a raincoat for a 1 year old? I enjoy the rain if it is a bit here and there on a day, but not a downpour all day long. But I guess that is why we have the beautiful green here.

We finally decided that Brady needed his first haircut. I absolutely love the curls in his hair, but it was getting a bit long over the ears. I figured I could handle cutting just a bit over the ears. So with scissors in hand and Jamie assisting (holding Brady still) I cut off the cutest little curls, of course I saved them for his scrapbook. This morning I looked at him and he looks like such the little boy now. Jamie still thinks he has a bit of a mullet, but at least it is a cute mullet!

No pictures this week, I will work on them for next time.


Rachel said...

I don't think I will trade my sunshine for your rain. I would have a bad hair day everyday.

It's so cute that you gave Brady his first haircut. I'm so terrible with the cuts, we tried once and I did such a hack job that we had to give them buzz cuts to repair the damage.

Laurel C. said...

Brady must be a hair farmer! He's grown enough at age 13 months for a haircut? Wow. Ethan was 18 months old when he got his. Of course, then there's Madeleine... born with a full head of it. I just cut off her baby mullet yesterday.

Kids hairdus are crazy!