Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What I have learned over the last month

Over the last month a lot has happened for us. Not much to the average family, but I take some of it as big milestones for us. So enjoy the list.

1. I really am not very good at blogging. My heart wishes I were better, but I just am not. No excuses.
2. Traveling 6 hours on an airplane with a toddler has its challenges.
3. A toddler can eat snacks for 6 hours straight if they are offered.
4. When you figure a toddler will fall back asleep on an airplane after getting up at 4:45 a.m., they will not.
5. Some people are very kind and understanding of families traveling with toddlers and some are not (yes I am referring to the woman who was already in an exit row, had nobody sitting next to her, was maybe 5 feet tall and insisted on fully reclining her seat the entire flight - and I was behind her with Brady on my lap). At that point I was not very good at keeping Brady from kicking.
6. I now know what an alpaca is and more importantly how expensive they are.
7. Teaching your toddler to blow bubbles in the bathtub is not such a great idea. Brady now thinks he needs to blow bubbles in the dog water dish and any puddle he sees on the ground.
8. Even if you think you have scooped all of the dog pooh out of the yard before play time, a toddler will find it and either mash in it his shoes or pick it up - yes pick it up.
9. Maybe a sandbox was not such a great idea (refer back to 7 - yes he tried blowing bubbles in the sandbox too).
10. Another boy, am I sure I can deal with it? Some days the two I have (Jamie and Brady) are already enough for me! But I still love them.

So there, the top 10 things I have learned over the last month. I will try and be better at posting.

Hope all is well.


Laurel C. said...

Yay! I am so glad that you posted again! I keep checking...

Looks like you have a cat; is she new? What I can't figure out is whether my daughter has a cat name, or if your cat has a person's name.

Glad you survived your flight with an active toddler! We did the same thing a month ago. I feel your pain!

Rachel said...

Me too! Kim is back, and WOW another BOY. Can I tell you how great that is... coming from one that knows. Boys are so much fun. Just wait until you can be their soccer and baseball coach, Boys rocks.
Oh I laughed at the bubble blower. How funny, you may need to relocate the dog dish.
Did you visit the in-laws? you must have, Utah is not 6 hours away... oh what we do for love. Glad your having fun. Hope your feeling good :)

Kyle said...

Well you post more than I do, but then Angie does most of it at our blog.

Boys are fun when you get to do the coaching as Rachel said.

Our Corey had to clean up the yard from our dog and then proceeded to smash a potato bug on the driveway with the bag sending the contents across a wide swath. Mother's day never smelled so sweet!

However, a little pink in the house with tea parties and ballerinas can be lots of fun too.

Hope all is well.

Rachel said...

Kim, hello Kim, are you there... come on. You've got to have some pregancy stories... let's see.. 5 weeks and counting. I keep checking on you, but you got lost sometime back in May...

Laurel C. said...

You WILL post on here when you have the baby, right? Some of us are wondering where (and how) you are. Are you trapped under a large boulder? (And, no, the baby doesn't count as a boulder.)