Friday, June 4, 2010


I guess I am now going to have to change the title to my blog, I will have to think about that for a bit when I have a minute.

This past week I have been busy packing and repacking boxes. The boys love to "help" by pulling things out I have packed. And they are sure the things that get packed in boxes we will never see again. I am waiting for the last possible minute to pack up their toys - that could be a disaster.

We are hoping the loading, driving and unloading goes as well as can be expected with the boys. Wish us luck and any tips would be helpful.


Laurel C. said...

Where are you going to unload? Have you found a house? Or are you renting a place for awhile?

Rachel said...

WHAT? I totally missed this... where are you now?

Rachel said...

Kim, I got the cute card with the new address. Again, I am so jealous that you're back in UTAH! I hope your finding a good mommy group. Don't neglect your blog... I miss hearing about your adventures with the boys.