Sunday, August 19, 2007

New learnings for all.

Something new this week for Brady, he has learned to wave. He is constantly waving at anybody or anything. It is so cute, he even waves at the dogs and cat. I am not sure if he understands what it means, but he loves to do it.

We also were battling our first real cold. It looks like he is definitely his fathers son, one he whined a lot and two, how do you get colds in the middle of the summer? So we had a couple of sleepless nights and a bit of a cranky little guy.

Today I was reminded why you keep a diaper on a baby at all times. I am sure I am not the only Mom to do this but it was a first for us. So I thought I would let Brady crawl around a bit without his diaper on to air out. I was in the room with him watching him play, then all of the sudden he squatted down and did his duty. I guess in my old age I cannot move quite as fast as I used to and he made a deposit on the carpet. Brady just smiled.

Jamie has been busy golfing. He played in a tournament this weekend with his boss. They had fun, but did not bring home a prize. I am not golfing near as much as I used to, I guess my priorities are different now. Someday, we will golf together again though.

Otherwise our life here is pretty good. My parents are coming to visit in a couple of weeks, so it will be fun to see how much Brady has changed in their eyes.

Hope all is well with everyone, until next time...

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