Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow day!

As a child growing up in eastern Washington I remember the words snow day! We loved hearing snow day. It meant no school and hopefully enough snow to sled. Snow was a big deal for us there. After moving to Utah, I remember the first snowstorm we had and sure enough we thought snow day. It snowed 15 inches and we knew there was no way there would be school. There was and we could not believe it. I cannot remember a snow day in Utah, we went to school no matter how much snow there was.

Today was a snow day here. I woke up this morning and saw the snow and immediately though "oh no." Now when I say snow, it was a skiff, less than an inch. Schools were canceled left and right and it was a huge deal on the news. I looked out and the streets were pretty much cleared off, a few patches of snow here and there. I went back and forth of whether or not to go to the gym, so I waited a few hours and then Brady and I ventured out. I do not worry about my driving ability in the snow it is all of the others. At the gym all classes were canceled - snow day. Brady and I did our work out and headed back home. It was snowing ever so slightly when we left. Somehow I managed to get behind the guy going 15 mph, I guess afraid of the snow. Now he should have stayed home.

It amazes me how snow does not phase one part of the country but basically shuts down another. I guess it is what you are used to.

On a good note, I loved seeing the snow. I just wish it would have been more and lasted longer. I miss the snow. The snow did not even last long enough for me to snap a picture.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Holy Tornado!

We do not live in the Midwest, so pretty much I figured we were safe from tornadoes. Guess I was wrong on that again. I thought that too living in Salt Lake, but we had one there about 7 years ago go right through downtown when I was working. Well yesterday we had one here. It touched down about 3 miles from our house and was on the ground for about 4 miles. I was watching the news, so I knew it was happening. Then the news said it was heading towards us. Do I jump in the bathtub with Brady or what? We don't have a basement, so I guess the tub is the safest place. I watched out the window to see if it was coming, luckily it did not. But it sure does scare the pants off a person. All I know is that I want no part of tornadoes. So I guess we will not be moving to the Midwest.