Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It is HOT!

I am not sure who is still checking my blog, but we will give it another shot at posting. Sorry!

As the title says, it is HOT, HOT, HOT here. We live in the Pacific Northwest, we are suppose to have nice mild summers. Well someone forgot that this year. We have been at or above 100 degrees since Sunday. Today we are suppose to be at an all time high of 107 - yes I said 107 - we are not in Arizona! We do not even cool down that much at night, last night the cool temp was 76.

Right now I am thankful for air conditioning and our pool. We have been in the pool daily for the last 2 weeks and I am sure that will not change at least through the weekend. Finally we are getting some use out of it. Well I guess I mean I am getting some use out of it because it is warm. Jamie seems to think everyone likes 65 degree pool water. Me, I like more around 85.

Stay cool.


Laurel C. said...

I'm still here and reading your blog! So glad to see you posted again!

That is some crazy weather in your neighborhood. It's wacky here too, but in the opposite direction. We're only 63 degrees right now for the daytime high. In July? Doesn't make any sense.

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Hi Kim!! I'm still checking your blog, so I'm happy to read your post, even if it sounds like you ARE melting down there. It made it to 102 today in Puyallup, and I wanted to DIE!!! Hang in there and stay cool!

Rachel said...

I was thinking about your pool pictures and wondered how much you used it. For us the pool is a worthy investment. We use it 5 months out of the year (we're officially wimps, we swim when the water temp is above 82 degrees and the outside temp is above 90 which around here is April - October). I hate the heat.
It's nice to know that other people dislike it as much as me :) I live in the wrong state for sure.