Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funeral or wedding?

We should not have to choose between one or the other.

The Funeral - On Tuesday my step grandpa passed away. Not to sound mean, but it was a good thing. He had been in a lot of pain for quite some time and finally he lost his battle with the cancer that had consumed his body. He will be missed, but as we all know he is in a better place.

The Wedding - My cousin is renewing her vows (they were married earlier this summer in South Carolina) and having a reception over Labor Day weekend. The relationship I have with her means a lot to me and I would love to support her on her big day.

So the choice for me, do I attend the funeral or the upcoming wedding of my cousin? You may wonder why not both? Well they are both in North Dakota - not an easy trip from anywhere except maybe South Dakota. Flying from here to Fargo is an adventure.

My decision - I decided on the wedding. There were multiple reasons, cost being a huge factor, try getting a plane ticket to Fargo at the last minute - a small car is cheaper. Also, I figure I will have plenty of time to spend with my Grandma while I am at the wedding. I hope she will enjoy that.

Why should we have to choose between the two? I guess we do the best we can.


The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Oh Kim. I'm so sorry about your grandpa--that's so hard. But it sounds like you made a good choice, you're right, at least you'll get to spend time with your grandma!! Hang in there!

Rachel said...

Oh, you must blog about the wedding. Those Fargo weddings are note worthy! Sorry about your loss. We have had several deaths in our neighborhood, a mom with a 10 day old baby and a dad with 10 year old twins. I've been thinking about life and death a lot this week. I've been trying to enjoy and appreciate each day. Its a choice you know :) Everyday we have a choice.