Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why buy toys?

This week, for several reasons, I have been wondering why we buy our kids toys. The first reason, every time I look at where a toy is made it says "Made in China." So am I letting my baby chew on a toy made with lead based paint or filled with antifreeze? What happen to regulations and protecting our children? It seems each day I hear about another recall on some toy or another. Just try and go through Target and find toys that say"Made in the USA."

Second, Brady prefers not to play with toys. Lately it has been the pots and pans, any shoe he can find (of course they are dirty), the plants, a spatula or wooden spoon and the phone. Oh yes, and the TV remote which we just got dried out after he thought it needed a good washing in the dog water dish. Maybe we have outsmarted him by giving him his own, not the lead filled kids version, but rather a remote from an old TV and a phone that no longer works. I am sure he will figure out pretty soon that these do not work and want the real version again.

Thank goodness Brady has no desire to watch TV, that is unless a commercial with music comes on. He pretty much drops what he is doing turns to the TV and does his little dance. It is so comical and cute. Then it is back to playing when it is over.

We are suppose to be starting the rainy season here in the pacific northwest. So if you have any sunshine pictures send them our way.

Hope all are well and until next time.....

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Kim, it is 90 degrees here! Come on down and enjoy the sunshine :)It's 10 pm and I am still sweating...
Your lucky Brady doesn't watch TV yet, I had to ban the boys from it tonight, sometimes Disney drives me CRAZY.