Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I love this day for the fact that it reminds me how much my little guys and Mom really mean to me.

Often I feel as though I will not make it another day with these two - they truly wear me out. Some days when this happens I think about my Mom and I have no room to complain. My boys are 22 months apart. My parents had 4 kids in 5.5 years - my sister and I are 13 months apart. How my Mom did it, I really will never understand. On top of us 4, she also did in home daycare when we were all home and before she went back to working outside of the home. Now that is a super mom!

Today I am not sure how many times Brady told me "Happy Mother's Day" - I wish I would have kept track. I know Colby said it too, but it pretty much just came out as garble, but it is the thought that counts. The boys colored me a cute little homemade card - the best ones in my opinion and Dad made me a picture collage. We went for a great picnic at a park and enjoyed the long awaited beautiful weather, just spent the day relaxing.

Happy Mother's Day to all of my Mom friends and family. I hope you truly enjoyed your little (or big) ones today as much as I did.


Rachel said...

Hello Kim. I totally agree about today being a day to reflect on our own moms. As well as the gratitude for having the little ones that make us the Mom's we are... I'm grateful for be home with my 3 to watch them grow.

Laurel C. said...

How DID our mothers do it? I'm 19 months apart from my sister, and my mom had 7 kids total. I would have run away from home if I was in her shoes!

Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day! I did too.

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

I know what you mean! My sister and I are 17 months apart...makes me want to pull my hair out just thinking about it. ;-) Glad you spent some time relaxing on Sunday, you deserve it!